My Post Yom Kippur Thoughts on Forgiving Assholes
Do you forgive an asshole? That’s what I’m wondering today. It’s Yom Kippur, the “Day of Atonement,” and as a Jew, I should be atoning for my sins and abstaining from pretty much everything in modern life, yet here I am at my desk writing, not fasting, not going to temple or praying. Instead, I’m […]
We Need To Have A Talk About Having “The Talk”
Picture this scenario: You’ve been in a relationship for a few months, and things are going well. There’s intimacy and possible signs of real commitment. There’s potential here, but you’re purposely keeping it light and letting things unfold. You see a future with this BF/GF, so you’re making sure not to pressure or get ahead […]
One Day You Will Thank The Ex Who Dumped You
Believe it or not, your anger will turn into gratitude. It might not be tomorrow, or next week. It might not be a month, a year, or even a few years, but in time, you will look back upon the ex you once reviled and the breakup that almost killed you, and say thanks. I […]
Admit It, You Suck At Relationships
It’s OK, you can admit it. You suck at relationships. You’re great getting into them, pretty decent getting out of them, but you suck at staying in them. You’re not alone. I used to suck at relationships, too. Most times, it was me. Sometimes it was them. I’d get restless, lose interest, or subconsciously pick […]
Surviving Breakup Hell
Your world is shattered, your guts are wrenched, your soul is crushed, your ego blown, and your heart is broken into a million pieces. Welcome to Breakup Hell, the absolute worst place on earth. Before I got married for the first time at 50, I must’ve visited Breakup Hell a thousand times, and every time […]