The Golden Bachelor, A Golden Opportunity

Say what you will about “The Golden Bachelor” being “overly scripted,” “superficial,” and “cringeworthy,” I happened to love it. I thought it was endearing, and quite moving at times. Most of all, as a dating coach in the midlife space (who’s also a late bloomer and a big believer in self-improvement), I thought “The Golden […]
Post-COVID Dating: The People You Still Need To Avoid

There’s going to come a time when life gets back to normal, and normal dating will resume. Other than still practicing some social distancing and washing your hands every five seconds, chances are, you’ll still be the same person you were before the pandemic, and so will the people you’ll be dating. Except you might […]
Fast & Furious: Dating Men In Their 50s

Fellas, if you’re in your 50s, single and dating (and feeling like you’re not getting anywhere), consider this a little friendly feedback from the ladies. Maybe you’ve heard it all before, maybe it doesn’t apply to you, maybe you already know it all. It doesn’t matter, because when it comes to dating women, I say […]
Marriage And Midlife: A First For Us Both

Getting married for the first time at this age is a little weird. When most people our age are looking at colleges with their kids, we’re looking at wedding venues. When most of our peers are preparing to be empty nesters, we’re preparing to co-habitat for the first time. While most folks in their 50s are dealing with […]