Have You Ever Thought the Problem Might Be You?

Do you know people who constantly complain about dating, how hard it is, and how it’s always someone else’s fault when things don’t work out? They blame the opposite sex, the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, feminism, narcissistic exes, dating apps, etc., adopt a victim mentality and never own their part? Do you listen and nod? Do […]
It’s OK To Admit You Hate Being Single

It’s OK to hate being single and I’m giving you a safe space to say it. You’ve got permission to admit you’re tired of being alone, fed up with solitude, and sick of going solo. If you’re done being single, go ahead and say it. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to love about […]
1 Tip To Survive & Thrive Being Single After 50

Single people over 50, I’m not here to tell you that in order to survive and thrive being single, you must love yourself first, learn to be alone, practice gratitude, or any of the usual dating platitudes you’ve heard a million times (even though they’re all true and good advice). You’re of a certain age […]
Cuffing Season is Officially Open

The holidays can be a time of great joy and celebration, but if you’re single, all that joy and celebration can make you feel, well, very single. Back in my single days, I spent many a holiday on my own (i.e. not in a relationship). I wasn’t totally alone though. Thankfully, I had friends that […]
Put Yourself On Your Own Damn Pedestal

There was a time in my life when love was so elusive, when committed relationships felt so unobtainable, and marriage so out of reach, it had me convinced I wasn’t good enough, and that everyone was too good for me. I was in my late 40s, still single, and on a horrible losing streak. Nonstarters […]
Dating Post-50: You Just Might Get What You Need

So what does a single man in midlife looking for love really want? A lot less than you’d think. A few weeks ago I read an article about a widow in her 50s named Kerry McAvoy, who had just entered the online dating world after 30 years of marriage. What she found shocked her, but it […]
Single In A Pandemic? You’ve Got Options

How’s your dating life going since the pandemic? Non-existent or “what pandemic?” Has it ground to a halt or going gangbusters? Have you gone into hibernation or gone wild? Or, have you realized you just don’t give a shit and deleted all your dating apps? There’s no bad answer here. It’s a weird time to […]
Dating TMI: Let It Rip Or Keep It Zipped?

“We had magic, it was immediate bliss. Being with him was a perfect world. We would connect on such a deep level, and he made me feel beautiful. It felt loving and honest. We could talk for hours about anything. But after he’d go home, things would change. He’d call the next day, and be […]
Can You Find The Love In Being Single?

Before I got married, I had an on-again/off-again affair with being single. When we were on and things were good, I loved it; but when we were off, I hated it. There’s a lot to love about being single: you’ve got freedom and independence; you can come and go as you please; and you can do what […]
Dear Ladies of Online Dating, This Letter Is For You

A few months ago, a college friend of mine who’s an avid online dater, received a note in her dating site inbox. It’s a love letter of sorts, in that the guy who wrote it was genuinely interested in her. But as you’ll see, the love didn’t last long. It was over before it even […]