5 Ways To Know If Mr. Right Has The Right Stuff

Many years ago, my good friend Kathie Gordon gave me this needlepoint pillow for my birthday. It was in the 90’s, and I was in my late-30s. For the single girl who had everything, it was a perfect gift. At the time I thought finding Mr. Right was right around the corner, and to be […]

Same Footsteps, Different Paths

She was in her early 20s, just off the boat from Scotland; he was in his early 30s, newly transplanted from Brooklyn when they met and married in the 50’s. Robby and I will be well into our 50s when we walk down the aisle for the first time. They had a half a handful of […]

Eaton-Cox And The Great Hyphenate Debate

To hyphenate or not to hyphenate. That is the question. If you’re Anna Wang and you’re marrying Brad Holder; or if you’re Katrina Busch and you’re marrying Matthew Hacker; or if you’re Kelly Long and you’re marrying Eric Wiwi, maybe hyphenating isn’t such a great idea. Allow me to repeat: Wang-Holder, Busch-Wacker, Long-Wiwi. Now, if your name is Treva […]