Being a Gentleman Is Not Toxic Masculinity

Single people of a certain age will tell you dating has really changed over the years. Even in the 10 years since I was single, it’s become almost unrecognizable. Back then, there were no hard rules, shifting power dynamics, manosphere, or hatred for the opposite sex. There was feminism and equal rights, but for the […]
Let The One That Got Away Get Away

We’ve all had that one that got away. It’s the boyfriend you dumped, the girlfriend that didn’t last, the relationship that didn’t work out, or the marriage that didn’t make it. The one that got away may either be long gone, or still hanging around–if just in your mind. And there’s usually a pattern or […]
Single In A Pandemic? You’ve Got Options

How’s your dating life going since the pandemic? Non-existent or “what pandemic?” Has it ground to a halt or going gangbusters? Have you gone into hibernation or gone wild? Or, have you realized you just don’t give a shit and deleted all your dating apps? There’s no bad answer here. It’s a weird time to […]
Surviving Breakup Hell

Your world is shattered, your guts are wrenched, your soul is crushed, your ego blown, and your heart is broken into a million pieces. Welcome to Breakup Hell, the absolute worst place on earth. Before I got married for the first time at 50, I must’ve visited Breakup Hell a thousand times, and every time […]