My Life As A New Wife: The Year In Review

Celebrating my first wedding anniversary made me feel kind of like Miss America coming to the end of her reign: triumphant, honored, and just a little bit sad to give back the tiara and say goodbye to my title of newlywed. But I must, because now at end of Year One, I am officially a […]

Oh My God! I Forgot To Have A Baby!

I didn’t exactly forget, I just lost track of time. My mind was on other things: like figuring out my career path and deciding what I wanted in life. I always dreamed of being a wife and mother, and always operated on the assumption it would happen when it was supposed to, in its own […]

Married People: Who’s F**king?

When I was single I used to wonder about my married friends’ sex lives. How often do they do it? Is it good? Does it stay good? Is married sex better? I always wondered, but never asked– maybe because I didn’t want to pry, or maybe because I didn’t want to know if the news […]


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